Wednesday, April 11, 2012


This project is divided into two part which are hardware and software.

For hardware part, the component use is ultrasonic sensor also known as transceiver or transducer. A signal is shot from transducer 1 to transducer 2 and timing measured. Immediately, the roles of the transducers are reversed. Now the transducer 2 shoots the signal and transducer 1 receives it, and again timing is recorded.

For this project, the software use is PIC. There are three software files, suffixed ASM (TASM grammar), HEX (MPASM) and OBJ (TASM) The MPASM hex file has configuration and data EEPROM values embedded in it. PIC16F628 microcontroller is pesponsible for generating and sending pulses to the ultrasonic transducers and for timing the return of the received signal. The result of its calculation are shown on LCD.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Jalan Pasar

On 31 march 2012, Iwent to Jalan Pasar to survey the component for my final project.

I end up buy not all the component, but a component that I think its important.


Block Diagram

This is the block diagram for my project which is A Development of Wind Speed Meter

INPUT: A signal shot from transducer 1 to transducer 2 and the timing is measured
MEDIUM: using PIC microcontroller to communicate within transducer and LCD
OUTPUT: Display the result on the LCD

Monday, April 9, 2012

Gantt Chart

The time required to complete the final project for degree semester 1 is one semester starting from January 2012 until May 2012. Gantt chart for the project is shown below:

objective of the project

The main objective of this project is to design a wind measurement instrument for measuring wind speed and direction using a microcontroller. This system will display the current speed and direction of the wind on LCD.

Point of the whole flow of this project had been classified first to bring out the expected result successfully. The following project objectives had been created to make sure the aim of this project will be achieve in the end. The objective as shown below:

· To design a wind speed meter using ultrasonic technique that can measure the accurate reading

· To generate the ultrasonic signal that needed to measure the wind speed

· To implement PIC microcontroller as a controller circuit that can make the processing data faster

· To design a device to be implemented to the various application


For this entry,I will briefly explain about my project.
The purpose of this project is about to design and build a device that using the ultrasonic sensors, which one of the ways of measuring the wind blow. This wind speed meter is intended for use in a variety of sport-type activities, such as track events, sailing, hand-gliding, kite, model aircraft flying and many more. It also can be used to monitor the conditions in the garden.
A probe is pointed in the direction from which the wind is blowing and a screen displays the rate at which the wind is moving between two ultrasonic sensors. The readout is shown on an alphanumeric Liquid Crystal Display (LCD), with reading in meter per second, feet per second, kilometre per hour and miles per hour. The resolution is to the nearest tenth of meter per second, from zero up to around 50mph and possibly higher.
Basically, this project is separate into three main parts. The first one is to finds and designing the hardware that required and related to the project, the second part is to construct and develop the hardware together with testing and troubleshooting. Then the third is designing and develop the software part and combine together with the entire of hardware component developed. In this project, the main electrical and electronic component use including ultrasonic sensor module, PIC Microcontroller and also LCD.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Final Year Project

This is my 2nd time do a fyp. 1st is when i'm taking diploma. urghh..cant remember what the title of the project but we (my partner Rodhiah and me) use laptop to control the remote car instead of the original remote. It kinda simple and make it more simple because we use Visual Basic. Thanks to Rodhiah (I miss her so much) because willing to be my partner..huuhuhuh(please cry after read this)..

Ok..back to fyp again. Fyp for bachelor student is quite tough because we need to do it alone (oh no..) huhuhu..some of the info about my project:

Project Title : A Development Model of Wind Speed Meter
Description : Wind speed or wind velocity, is a fundamental atmospheric rate. Wind speed affects weather forecasting, aircraft and maritime operation, construction projects etc..
Software : PIC
Dont know if I can do this. I never never never use PIC. I just know use VB and Packet Tracer since i'm Data Communication student. I need to do some research and learn from the expert(seems like I heard this before). I imagine the project is like this

credit to google

Okay.. now I need to do some research. YOU CAN DO IT AISHA (full of spirit) hhiiiaaaahhh!!!!!!